ozfortress Sixes Season 30

Open - Round #4

KRB Stans
Home Team
Away Team
Thom Porke Captain
clx 3 Captain
klsz Captain
bkts Captain
quenterz Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
Thermite Retired League Admin

Please organise this

Thursday 8:00 aedt?

I couldn't find your captain's discord so msg me Thom Porke#3543

bruh msg me on discord we gotta organise this. I will have my team prepare for Thursday 8:00 aedt

connect; password "RwG_aY3VDK2vDdRo"

Thermite Retired League Admin

Forfeit win awarded to KRB Stans, opposition did not show and failed to organise