ozfortress Sixes Season 29

High - Round #4

psychology majors
Home Team
Xbox 360 Voice Chat
Away Team
2345y. Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

wazup dawgs, when suits you guys?

[4:18 PM] 2345y: whats good
[4:18 PM] 2345y: sunday and tuesday is best for us
[4:18 PM] 2345y: would u guys wanna do one of those
[4:18 PM] tal: perhaps tuesday
[4:18 PM] tal: ill get back to you though
[4:18 PM] 2345y: alright nws
[4:18 PM] tal: any chance you could do thurs?
[4:20 PM] 2345y: thurs we would need a merc
[4:20 PM] 2345y: which isnt preferable
[4:20 PM] 2345y: so if u guys can do tues itd be way better
[4:21 PM] tal: sure i'll get back to you
[4:21 PM] 2345y: ta

9:49 AM] 2345y: any thoughts?
[2:40 PM] tal: tuesday is a go
[2:40 PM] tal: 9pm?
[3:12 PM] 2345y: yeah 9pm

confirmed tuesday 9pm

allowed their request of raelen on pocket soldier

villa gc http://logs.tf/2707972#76561198076912448 psy 1 0
villa http://logs.tf/2707957#76561198076912448 psy 3 3
snake http://logs.tf/2707943#76561198076912448 psy 5 0
gg guys best of luck with the rest of the season!
