ozfortress Sixes Season 27
Main - Round #3
War Crime VirginsHome Team |
vs |
peanuts without the tAway Team |
War Crime Virgins beat peanuts without the t, 3 to 0
War Crime Virgins beat peanuts without the t, 5 to 3
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability):
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
Thursday probs best for us.
i'll ask the boys
8pm (syd/melb time) Thursday is best for us.
okie can do
fence !
fences !!
can i merc fences !
we allow fences
roleplaying far shooter this pug:
pog to the champ
thank ara ara lucky uwu
no problem elluwu
Top Jimmy:
hey, lucky just told me you asked for 7pm. can't do it
most of our team has jobs/work, so 7 is too early
I can see if 9 works for them though?
2 of our players have HL officials at 9. So it's a no-go. 8pm it is.
is 2345y ok to merc demoman?
Product 3:0 WCV: http://logs.tf/2475690#76561198957454585
Reckoner 5:3 WCV: http://logs.tf/2475675#76561198957454585