core League Director

artwork by Qixalite

We know it's been a little bit since we’ve provided any update on what is happening with the ozfortress servers, but we wanted to have something to show for the time spent. So, we worked with Qixalite to get ozfortress branded servers, run by Qixalite on their infrastructure! Currently, there are only six servers, but they can be scaled up and down as needed in the future. We’ll work with Qixalite in the coming weeks/months to provide some features to our existing and future Patrons, and we’re excited to be working with Qixalite going forward!

Our “Book a server” page has been updated to reflect the new booking bot (welcome Reginald), but server aliases, maps, and configs will be the same you are used to with the old ozfortress servers. If you want to know what else you can do or want a more comprehensive guide, take a look at Qixalite's docs website.

It’s taken a little bit to have the competitive ruleset and infractions page updated to reflect these changes, but now that it has been, we fixed it was time to let everyone know:

Competitive Ruleset changes:

  • The server's SourceTV Delay (stv_delay) MUST remain at 90 seconds or above. Dropping this during or prior to your match will incur a penalty. The same can be applied to turning off STV Map Change Protect during a casted official match.
  • The captain of a disbanded or removed team will receive a tier two infraction, and all players on the Active Roster will be excluded from play for the remainder of that season.
  • Class Restrictions in the ruleset have been generalized to Restrictions, with Class Restrictions being used to explain actual 6v6 class restrictions, and a new Player Restrictions section explaining our seasonal Player Restrictions (formerly Class Restrictions).

Infractions changes:

  • Tier 2 added for “Disbanding an in-season active roster” - This was already in the Competitive Ruleset and has been used consistently, this addition is to just make it clearer.
  • Tier 3 added for “Threats of violence/harm” - Self-explanatory, wasn’t something we have had many (if any) cases of in the past and needed a consistent way to punish this behaviour.

Clarifications & Reminders:

  • With the introduction of the new servers, players can book a server in either Sydney or Melbourne, the same options are available for normal Qixalite servers via their discord. Going forward, the default server location will be Sydney for official ozfortress matches.
  • These new ozfortress branded Qixalite servers will not be using the same bans as standard Qixalite servers. In saying that, we will be working closer with Qixalite going forward when it comes to behavioural issues, so do not expect to be immune from the punishments from either service.
  • Bookable server support should be directed to the Qixalite discord, but if you aren't sure about something, feel free to chuck a message in #admin-support and we can let you know!
  • Resupply binds are still permitted, but they cannot be used under the following circumstances:
    • You have stickies anywhere and backspawn.
    • You have a sentry gun or building placed and backspawn.
    • To preserve uber when back-spawning.
    • Essentially back-spawning and preserving the state of something you have placed, an ubercharge, banners, item meters (shields, drinks), etc.
  • Players with round match bans will be denied in transfers until after they have finished serving their match ban.
  • There have been a few questions regarding locking mercenaries to specific classes - this is something that has been in our ruleset for a while and can be found here.

The ozfortress administration team.

core League Director

A further clarification since the question has been asked; if you are banned off of both Qixalite and ozfortress servers, your team will need to use a substitute player or mercenary.

book sydney

For the 3 comp demoknights, saving your charge isn't important, saving heads can be.