catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Congratulations Premier winners Coffee Clock


Snakewater - 4 - 0
Granary - 2 - 1
Process - 2 - 3
Prolands - 4 - 2

Congratulations to Coffee Clock on winning the OZF 24 Premier Grand Final against big chungus.

The ozfortress season 24 Premier Grand Final saw the epic clash between Coffee Clock and big chungus, two teams who had been trading maps and matches all season. The first map was Snakewater, and Coffee Clock hit the ground running and took the first round within four minutes. The second round was extremely hard-fought and took a whopping 19 minutes with both Medics dropping multiple times, however Coffee Clock were again able to take the round putting them two rounds up. With time running out, big chungus started taking more risks in an attempt to get rounds on the board, however Coffee Clock were able to capitalise off their mistakes and claimed another two rounds. cooki had a standout performance with 30 frags, and the map ended with a four to zero score for Coffee Clock putting them one map up in the series.

The second map was Granary, the pick of big chungus. Despite a fast first round from Coffee Clock, big chungus were able to equalise the score and get their first round of the series, putting the map score at 1 - 1. Despite the best efforts of enrith who had the highest DPM in the server, Coffee Clock were again able to close the map and take the next two rounds. Leading the way again was cooki with 29 frags, despite the fact that many consider Granary a Soldier favoured map.

Many were writing off big chungus going into the third map which was Process, believing the series to have already been won by Coffee Clock. However big chungus showed that they weren't out of the fight yet, taking the first two rounds in just five minutes. Another long and drawn-out round followed, but this time big chungus were able to come out on top and bring the map score to 3 - 0. With limited time remaining the increased aggression from Coffee Clock paid off and they were able to claim two fast rounds for themselves partly due to a miraculous 1v5 last cap from redcoatzygote, however a third round eluded them and the map finished in favour of big chungus 3 - 2. enrith led the way for his team's victory on the map, with nearly two-thousand damage more than the next highest-damaging player in the server.

Map four was Prolands. big chungus looked like they were here to stay, as they took the first round in a convincing three minute fashion. Both teams then ended up trading rounds until the scores were tied at two rounds each. Coffee Clock were were able to take round five after a back and forth fight, and then immediately take another round in under two minutes. With not enough time left to claim two more round, the map ended in favour of Coffee Clock 4 - 2, and with it the series 3 - 1. Coffee Clock are your ozfortress season 24 Premier champions!

Thank you to all the players and support staff that helped make this season possible! Stay tuned for Ultiduo!


1st - Coffee Clock
2nd - big chungus
3rd - pineapple towers


Champions: Coffee Clock
Best Demoman: enrith
Best Medic: Doge.exe has stopped working
Best Pocket: Hertz
Best Roamer: riot
Best Pocket Scout: lams
Best Flank Scout: Sam.
Best Utility: Sam.

Most Improved Player: Elmo and Fr0Z0n3
Most Valuable Player: enrith

Friendliest Team: Coffee Clock and pineapple towers
Most Improved Team: BUTTERFLY EFFECT
Best Dressed Team: pineapple towers
Best Caster: xander

llama robbed mvp #immaturellamabell

fucking elmo

gg boiz c u next season

thelampshade22 Retired League Admin / Patron

stop letting riot get forum badges