Sixes Spring '24 Changes
The following are changes that will debut in Sixes Spring '24.
General Sixes Changes
Map Pool & Two-Season Map Reviewing
The Map Pool seen in Winter '24 will be making its way into Spring '24 with no changes. We are moving to a two-season system for reviewing/changing maps, which was detailed in more depth in our signups post. Essentially, we've found map survey data to be often unreliable, and new maps often don't last more than one season, so moving to a two-season minimum for any map changes does allow us to give new maps the time they deserve, and gives us data that will more accurately tell us what you want to see. Don't worry, if a map is universally hated, you won't be stuck with it for two seasons.
Pick/Ban Completion Requirement
The Pick/Ban completed by time requirement will remain at 24 hours as that is what the majority wants. Weekly Pick/Bans will be getting written into the Pick/Ban rules in the ruleset, but both will be set at the 24 hours prior to the match time requirement.
Premier & High Specific Changes
AFL Finals
This question was asked in our end-of-season surveys for Premier and High, with the results being indecisive. For Sixes Spring '24 (S41), Premier will continue to use AFL Finals for playoffs, and High will remain with Page Playoffs. We are still seeking feedback on the AFL Finals bracket format, so expect to see more questions regarding AFL Finals on the next end-of-season survey.
Regular Season Weekly Pick/Bans
Weekly Pick/Bans continue to be liked within Premier, and when the option was raised for High players in our survey, most were either indifferent or wanted to see it come to this season, so we're adding it!
Other Changes
More changes are coming that will affect both Sixes and Highlander, however, we need a little more time! These changes address the following:
- Poorly written 2.9. Match Throwing rule will be rewritten.
- Demo Check penalties are being updated, with the first penalty being a warning. Failing an AC Demo Check will result in harsher second/third penalties.
- Demo Checks will be consistently run in both Sixes and Highlander. The intention was never to run checks in one competition, and not the other.
- Banned Player Usage in Officials: This should be mostly a non-issue as banned players can't be used as mercenaries or added to rosters, and with our automated server bans in effect, this rule shouldn't be needed, but we'll be adding this as a clause to our Alternate Account / Account Sharing rules.
- Expanded and rewritten Server Abuse rules are being added to cover poor server operation in official matches.
- Expansion and small guide on what captains are required to post in Match Comms and in the Team Captain Discord for each official.
- Game Modification Exploit and Game Mechanic Exploit rules will be seeing updates.
- Entire Penalty System will be seeing an overhaul of sorts.
- Name Change system will be seeing changes in its guidelines, requirements and restrictions. More info will come in the next post.
Signups Close Soon!
Don't forget, Signups close this Wednesday (October 2nd)! If you require assistance finding a team, finding players or any other assistance, please reach out or open a support ticket in our discord and we'll get back to you ASAP.
Global Ruleset Changes
Global Ruleset changes are on the way and should be live with a news post in the next couple of days. Due to the limited time this off-season, we are quite busy but working to get everything out.