Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

Experimental Banner

Prize Pool

Fight for dosh!

For the first time in ozfortress Highlander history, there will be a prize pool totalling $600, up for grabs for competitors of Division 1.

Division 1 Prize Pool:
  • 1st: $300
  • 2nd: $200
  • 3rd: $100

Ultimately it will be the team captains' decision as to how the amount won is distrusted amongst the team. By default, the amount earned will be split evenly nine ways between the core players (with the difference going to the medic player) unless captains have discussed alternative distributions with either Sperkle or core.

Division MVP Award

At the end of the Experimental Cup, one player from each division will be crowned the Division MVP. Players awarded this title will receive the prize below. A panel of administrators and league advisors will determine the division MVP's.

Division MVP Prize

Div MVP: $25, in each division

Best Gas Passer and Neon Annihilator Clip

Did you know that the Gas Passer isn't banned? That's right pyro players your time is now! After receiving a "buff" in the recent 2024 Summer Update, this pair now works in harmony with one another to completely demolish any class below 195 health. Regardless of division or team, any Pyro player can submit their best Gas Passer + Neon Annihilator kill.

Best Gas Passer and Neon Annihilator Clip

Best Clip: $25

Best Overall Clip

Finally, we'd like to offer all players, regardless of class, to submit their best clips from their cup matches as well! Whether it's a cheeky chain stab, a nice little headshot spree or a colossal air shot, we want to see them all! There will be three winners for this category.

Best Overall Clip
  • 1st: $30
  • 2nd: $20
  • 3rd: $10

Please send a video submission of the clip via an unlisted YouTube video link or a media-sharing service (Streamable for example) as well as the POV demo and tick/s the event/s occurred at via this Google Form.