We Need You!
Want to kick off 2024 with a bang? If you've ever wanted to contribute to our community then there is no time like the present. Below you can find all the positions available and a reminder of what they entail:
League Administrators
League Admins are responsible for the running of both the Sixes and Highlander seasonal leagues as well as off-season cups and events. From handling match disputes, to seasonal meetings, you will be integral in the successful continuation of ozfortress.
Apply for League Administrator here
League Advisors
Have you heard of the shadow government? Well we don't have that but this is probably the closest thing. Advisors assist League Admins in decision-making around seedings, mercenary requests, transfers and proposed changes for both Sixes and Highlander. We are also looking for out-of-region advisors that can assist our team in the decision making processes listed above for players outside of Australia / New Zealand.
Apply for League Advisor here
The Anti-cheat team is responsible for ensuring all players within ozfortress are playing fairly and without the assistance of a third-party client. Keen eyes and experienced players are wanted for accurate and fair judgements on all cases.
Apply for the Anti-cheat Team Here
Ruby on Rails & Sourcemod/Sourcepawn Developers
We're looking for developers for not only our site but also our servers. For the website, developers need to have a working knowledge of Ruby on Rails. As for Source Plugin Developer's, we'll be looking to possibly make modifications and additions to our servers to improve website-server integration.
Apply for Developer positions here
Media Team
The media team is slowly but surely coming to fruition. The goal is to use this team to create season trailers, announcements, frag movies - the possibilities are endless. We're mainly looking for editors, but will be looking to expand the teams' capabilities to produce and bring our ideas to reality!
Apply for the Media Team here
Art Team
Responsible for much of what you see artistically from us, the Art Team has been underutilized in the past, and we're looking to expand. With bigger events planned for 2024 and beyond, expanding our Art Team with talented artists and designers will be crucial.
Apply for the Art Team here
If any of the listed positions above interest you, feel free to submit one or multiple applications via the valid links above. Alternatively you can reach out to the relative league staff to inquire more about positions. You can find a full list of staff here.
Thanks for a great year everyone and here is to many more great experiences in 2024!