Showing posts by Ghost
Thread: Sixes Winter '24 (S40): Award Nominations

Team Name: Maxwell Verstappen
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): High
Best Combo Scout: Tj
Best Flank Scout: Wergy
Best Pocket Soldier: Tetrx
Best Roaming Soldier: Shadi
Best Medic: Ghost
Best Demoman: Croppy
Best Utility: Tetrx
Most Improved Player: Croppy

Thread: Sixes Autumn '24 (S39): Award Nominations

Team Name: The company
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Inter
Best Combo Scout: Tj
Best Flank Scout: fraggerung
Best Pocket Soldier: Shadi
Best Roaming Soldier: ben
Best Medic: ghost
Best Demoman: Counsel (Lime)
Best Utility: Lime
Most Improved Player: fraggerung

Thread: OZF HL 1 - Voting Nominations

Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Prem
Best Scout: vanquish
Best Soldier: atten
Best Pyro: cooki
Best Demoman: silvo
Best Heavy: lock
Best Engineer: takeyon
Best Medic: Ghost
Best Sniper: Lau
Best Spy: Paulsen
Most Improved Player: Down

Thread: OZF 24 - Voting Nominations

Team Name: Sergeant ( essence! )
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Inter
Best Pocket Scout: Vanquish
Best Flank Scout: atten
Best Pocket Soldier: throwitup
Best Roaming Soldier: carl
Best Medic: essence
Best Demoman: yachty
Best Utility: atten
Most Improved Player: throwitup

Thread: ozfortress bans: mitchcliff123 and Phoraw

capping tv still a thing?