Thread: Suns out, Guns out!
thank u obler
Thread: ozfortress ban: Trexy
im a dumby but anyway good ban obla
Thread: Season 20 Whitelist Update
come on obla the second banana isnt that overpowered
Thread: ozfortress ban: Mr_YOLO
biggest brain in australia
Thread: ozfortress bans: Lazz and aeki
oh the humanity
Thread: ozfortress bans: Lazz and aeki
to be fair, does anyone really care about these two plebs :thinking:
Thread: ozfortress bans: Lazz and aeki
tfw gotta cheat in a 10 year old video game to pretend I'm good at it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thread: ozfortress season 20 Announcement
tfw no bagel