Showing posts by core
Thread: OZF 33 - Administrators
core League Director

ozfortress administrators are responsible for the smooth running of the ozfortress seasonal league. Remain in constant contact with them regarding team issues and potential team instability. They are also available to clarify anything about the rules or procedures of ozfortress competitions.

The best way to get in contact with an administrator is in the #admin-support channel on Discord. Click the following link to join our Discord.

The following people are available to solve issues in your bracket, however, for simple issues, we strongly recommend that you refer to the ruleset. From here, your own division administrators should be your first point of contact, however, if your administrators are not available, others may be able to help.

Head Administrator - core

Premier Administrator - core
Intermediate Administrator - samson and fez
Main Administrators - a team of ants in their prime
Open Administrator - chimes

Thread: OZF 33 - Map Pool
core League Director


Week 1: cp_snakewater_final1/cp_process_f9a
Week 2: cp_process_f9a/koth_bagel_rc5
Week 3: koth_product_final/cp_sunshine
Week 4: cp_sunshine/cp_reckoner_rc6
Week 5: cp_granary_pro_rc8/koth_clearcut_b15d
Week 6: koth_clearcut_b15d/cp_gullywash_f6
Week 7: cp_gullywash_f6/cp_snakewater_final1

Please note: cp_granary_pro_rc8, koth_clearcut_b15d, koth_product_final, cp_reckoner_rc6, cp_gullywash_f6, koth_bagel_rc5 and cp_process_f9a are custom maps. If you don't already have these installed, please click the links above to download them, and then move them to your ..\Team Fortress 2\tf\download\maps directory.

The following commands can be used to change maps to the correct version. Type these commands in your console to change to it as long as you have the correct rcon password.

rcon changelevel cp_gullywash_f6
rcon changelevel cp_process_f9a
rcon changelevel cp_snakewater_final1
rcon changelevel koth_bagel_rc5
rcon changelevel cp_sunshine
rcon changelevel koth_product_final
rcon changelevel cp_reckoner_rc6
rcon changelevel cp_granary_pro_rc8
rcon changelevel koth_clearcut_b15d

Thread: lawn mowers win OZF 32 High!
core League Director

Congratulations High winners lawn mowers


Sunshine - 6 - 1
Process - 1 - 2
Gullywash - 3 - 2
Match Thread

Congratulations to lawn mowers on winning the OZF 32 High Grand Final against saturn.

lawn mowers came into the finals as a clear favourite to win, having won 13 out of 14 maps in the regular season matches and winning the upper page playoff match against immaculate dub. Despite this, saturn were by no means doomed for failure going into the Grand Final; in the regular season saturn and lawn mowers went to a close golden cap on granary, and in playoffs, saturn came in as 4th seed, only to go on to claw their way to the finals, showing that they are capable of upset wins. The maps picked for the finals were Sunshine, Process, and Gullywash, in that order.

On Sunshine lawn mowers came out in full force, winning the map 6-1. Despite this scoreline, the map was still fairly back and forth, but in the end lawn mowers just looked way more solid and confident which perhaps was expected, with it being their first map pick. In particular, the mid-fights were very dominant for lawn mowers, with their soldier coordination and ability to protect their medic Harry being major factors.

Process was a different story, with much longer, more gruelling rounds and an impressive performance by the saturn scouts, in particular, their combo scout vivi, who top-fragged and top-damaged the server. With the score at 1-1 and a little over 1 minute left on the clock, zias was able to flank through door 1 and force lawn mowers’ uber, leading to saturn pushing last and winning Process 2-1.

The third and final map was Gullywash. Saturn carried the momentum they had from Process into the beginning of Gully, winning the mid fight and—after some minor back and forths—the round. Although they won the first round, saturn were not able to keep their momentum train on the track, and despite trying to hold on to their lead as best as they could, lawn mowers managed to tie it up; six minutes later, lawn mowers had two more rounds on the board and the pressure was on saturn to turn things around. After a hard-fought 10 minute round, saturn were able to find a miracle exchange on lawn mowers’ last, breaking through a triple off-class defence and bringing the score to 3-2, still in favour of lawn mowers. Saturn won the next mid-fight, but wasn’t able to get past lawn mowers’ last hold, and the map—as well as the season—ended with lawn mowers winning the grand finals.

The MVP for this match goes to the lawn mower himself, andrew, who over the course of the series had the highest frags (83), dpm (303) and tied for highest K/D (1.9). He also received the highest heal percentage on his team from his medic, however, this was well deserved and was a large contributor to Harry’s excellent survivability in the finals, only dying 16 times over 3 maps, compared to conflux’s 24. Andrew’s ability to play good positions, keep his medic alive, and hit a scary amount of shots is what gives him the title of MVP for this match.

Thank you to all the players, support staff and patrons that helped make this season possible. We'll see you all again soon!


1st - lawn mowers
2nd - saturn
3rd - immaculate dub


Best Demoman: durpy
Best Medic: conflux
Best Pocket: stigma and smazza
Best Roamer: Auz
Best Combo Scout: andrew
Best Flank Scout: ozy
Best Utility: ozy

Most Improved Player: durpy
Most Valuable Player: andrew and ozy

Friendliest Team: extinction
Most Improved Team: extinction
Best Dressed Team: extinction and immaculate dub
Best Caster: seinfeld

Thread: God Emperor Seals wins OZF 32 Intermediate!
core League Director

Congratulations Intermidiate God Emperor Seals


Process - 5 - 0
Product - 3 - 1
Match Thread

Congratulations to God Emperor Seals on winning the OZF 32 Intermidiate Grand Final against Terrible Tactics.

Intermediate Grand finals saw the maps Process (God Emperor Seal's pick), Product (Terrible Tactic's pick) and Gullywash (God Emperor Seal's pick) as the third. While God Emperor Seals were the ones to beat with a very strong regular season. Terrible Tactics for sure have the capability to stand on their own and while they had a rough time in the Upper Page Playoffs, they had a very close match in Round #4.

Process started off with an interesting strategy where both JD and Andyroo ran the Beggars Bazooka to the mid-fight. Their ultra-aggressive double bomb onto the combo of Terrible Tactics was instrumental to their victory of the mid-fight and set them up for quite the dominant map. After the mid-cap it didn’t take long for God Emperor Seals pick to take advantage of their uber and move into last, while the fight was slightly scrappy God Emperor Seals pick was able to get the first round in under 2 minutes. The rest of the rounds had Terrible Tactics winning the mid-fights, but unfortunately never quite turned it into a round. The map ended on a 5-0 to God Emperor Seals.

Product saw a quick ready up from both teams and a fast rollout straight into the mid-fight. God Emperor Seals were confident going into this game but were certainly not going to have it easy with Terrible Tactics having the brief moments of redemption that saw them taking control of the map for a good deal of the timer. Looking at the logs of the first round God Emperor Seals pick had nearly 20 more frags than Terrible Tactics, however, this domination didn’t last long as the next few rounds saw Terrible Tactics closing the gap until an eventual round win. The map ended with a score of 3-1 to the dominant God Emperor Seals making them the ozfortress S32 Intermediate winners.

Thank you to all the players, support staff and patrons that helped make this season possible. We'll see you all again soon!


1st - God Emperor Seals
2nd - Terrible Tactics
3rd - Avo's Cados


Best Demoman: pengstah
Best Medic: Hawk
Best Pocket: JD
Best Roamer: Andyroo
Best Combo Scout: bishaminty
Best Flank Scout: hungry
Best Utility: apa3

Most Improved Player: ethan
Most Valuable Player: bishaminty

Friendliest Team: Terrible Tactics
Most Improved Team: Avos Cados
Best Dressed Team: herbs and spices
Best Caster: seinfeld

Thread: soirée wins OZF 32 Premier!
core League Director

Congratulations Premier winners soirée!


Gullywash - 4 - 3 (Combined log, GC)
Process - 4 - 3 (Combined log, GC)
Snakewater - 3 - 1
Match Thread

soirée, you know their history. That's what X-files had to contend with, and did they ever. They may have only brought the series to three maps, but make no mistake, they were pure competition. They had plenty of time in the latter half of the season to get familiar with each other too, with both teams meeting up in Round 5, Upper Page Playoffs and the final fateful Grand Finals encounter.

The maps (is this a pug?)

In a series of maps eerily reminiscent of a pug, soirée began the picks and bans by removing Sunshine, X-files responding by eliminating the newest map in the pool. With bans complete, it was time to begin the pug. Gullywash pulled out by soirée, X-files clap back with Process, and in an absolute shocker to no one, Snakewater was the third. The honourable mentions, X-files picked up Product, and soirée with Granary. Whilst we never got to see the last two picks played, Gullywash, Process and Snakewater did guarantee a show.

Gullywash and Process were both taken to Golden Cap, both reaching the same 4-3 scoreline in favour of soirée, both hitting a total runtime of forty minutes. Both sets saw surprisingly balanced performances out of every player, with cooki bringing out the patent-pending Force of Nature, silvo and HERTZ bringing up the rear with the espionage specialist. Sadly, only one was a specialist with espionage, the other made frequent use of the "skill-less" Big Earner. That does wrap up all of the notable funky unlock usage for the first two maps, Snakewater tallying up to 3-1 for soirée spelt the end for X-files's hopes at a Grand Final win, while their performance declined on the third map, pulling it to time by only dropping two rounds.

Our MVP of the Grand Final!

It's hard to pick out an MVP, especially when the three candidates are all on the same team, but the MVP for the Premier Grand Final goes to cooki for their continued use of the Force of Nature. There's using an unlock as a gimmick, and then there's pulling off 22 frags and 82% accuracy with it. Snakewater saw the fabled return of the cursed weapon and maintained cooki's infamous reputation whilst still performing very well.

Congratulations to soirée on winning the OZF 32 Premier Grand Final against X-files!

It didn't reach any further than three maps, but it was the Premier Grand Final, and it certainly did not disappoint. Thank you to all the players, support staff and patrons that helped make this season possible. We'll see you all again soon!


1st - soirée
2nd - X-files
3rd - xeno


Best Demoman: enrith
Best Medic: lau
Best Pocket: HERTZ
Best Roamer: silvo
Best Combo Scout: cooki
Best Flank Scout: Elmo and AiShou
Best Utility: Elmo and silvo

Most Improved Player: Paulsen
Most Valuable Player: enrith

Friendliest Team: updog
Most Improved Team: Bad Dentists.
Best Dressed Team: soirée
Best Caster: seinfeld

Thread: Season 33 changes, Staff changes, January 2022 Poll, ozfortress servers & Global Whitelist
core League Director

wordmark logo

First of all, Happy New Year! Second, we would like to congratulate the winners of Season 32 from each division, expect to see the (mostly) typical winner's threads out in the next couple of days. Typically the winner's threads would be posted by now, however, we are re-evaluating them for 2022. For now, you'll see a slightly different winners post than you’re used to, but who knows what the future holds.

With a lot of the changes we aim to bring in 2022, we needed more specialized staff roles to fulfil these new needs. As such, we have been building teams to tackle these challenges and soon you’ll see who. But for now, we are sad to announce that skaz has stepped down from the League Admin team. We wish him the best in his future. With this we would also like to remind everyone, League Administrator applications are still open, and you are always welcome to resubmit your application, edit it (and let us know), or if you are no longer interested, remove it.

Many of you will have noticed over the last three months that the official ozfortress servers have been down, leaving Qixalite as the only provider in the region. We would like to thank them for their continued community server service which has enabled players within our league to easily book a server and play. The last mention of ozfortress servers suggested that a SourceMod issue had caused an issue, which at the time was true, however it ended up being continued problems with our colocation provider, sol1. The servers have not been operational now for a couple of months, and we have been looking at potential solutions going forward. Whilst we aren’t entirely sure what solution we will go with at this stage, we aim to have a solution sorted prior to Season 33.

Speaking of solutions, our post-season poll is now up. You can find the poll here or below. You will notice there are a bunch of changes with the poll this time around. We are committed to making meaningful changes to not only how we collect feedback, but in communicating when and how we are implementing it. With the release of this poll, we have also released the previous poll’s data on the whitelist, maps and off-season cups.

This poll has some significant differences from the previous September 2021 poll. This time around, we have removed a lot of the high percentage questions and left the more disputed questions. You will notice a new section for more fixes from TF2 Comp Fixes, areas to provide feedback directly to authors of some community-made maps, and sections aimed at improving future polls. We have also included a section for Premier players from Season 32 to submit their feedback (and any from previous seasons are also welcome to fill out applicable questions).

The keen-eyed amongst you will notice our blurb in the poll regarding the Global Whitelist. As of Season 33, we will no longer be following the Global Whitelist. What does this mean for future seasons? How about current allowed and banned unlocks? Nothing new. Whilst we aren’t participating in the Global Whitelist, the whitelist for Season 33 will remain identical, with future seasons potentially seeing change based on combined poll data from multiple polls. The Global Whitelist provided every participating league and region with the same weapon unlocks for LAN events. It accomplished this and still does, however, we feel that it is more important our community as a whole has more control over the direction of weapon unlocks going forward. This doesn’t mean we’re totally ditching the Global Whitelist, just for the foreseeable future.

If you made it through reading that, you’re a champ. We’re looking forward to 2022, we’ve got a lot planned and we hope to deliver a much better TF2 experience for you all.

The ozfortress staff team.

January 2022 Poll | September 2021 Poll Results | Staff Applications

Thread: ozfortress September 2021 Poll Results
core League Director

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Thread: OZF 32 - Voting
core League Director


The voting threads for the end of season awards have now been posted! The votes must be sent through to chimes (chimes#0002), ants (a team of ants in their prime#3881) or fez (fez#3662) in a Discord PM using the correct formatting by Friday the 17th of December at midnight by every team captain. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from counting.

Only captains to vote. Please submit with 3 votes for EVERY category. You only have to do the division your team participated in.

Premier Votes
High Votes
Intermediate Votes
Main Votes
Open Votes