ozfortress Sixes Season 22
Open - Round #4
eat ur vegesHome Team |
vs |
ElysiumAway Team |

Please organise this ASAP.

7:20 PM - AccessXJ: Tuesday is sweet with us
7:20 PM - Trips: So let's lock in Tuesday 8pm yeah
7:20 PM - AccessXJ: Yup that's Cool

Confirmation for us to merc Yop on scout and for them to merc Eternal on Medic
9:34 PM - Trips: Can I merc Yop on scout? He's core demo
9:34 PM - Trips: Plays on same team as Eternal
9:34 PM - Trips: Core demo for them obviously not us
9:35 PM - Trips: Yop is Nexus btw
9:39 PM - poison.: Ye that's alg
9:39 PM - poison.: Should be alg
9:39 PM - poison.: I'll ask team
9:40 PM - Trips: Dream said it was okay also
9:40 PM - poison.: It should be fine then
9:13 PM - Trips: You can merc Eternal
9:13 PM - poison. is now Online.
9:13 PM - poison.: Thanks so much

Please submit logs and scores for the match
Sunshine: 3-2 Elysium
Gullywash: 6-2 Elysium