ozfortress Sixes Season 16

Open - Round #5

Familiar Knights
Home Team
Irrational Tendencies
Away Team
CC Captain
BLITZEN. Captain
janga7 Captain
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Wednesday 8PM AEST would work perfectly for us, does that suit?

Sorry. I believe that we have members who can't do Wednesday due to extra commitments. Our usual is Tuesday or Thursday. Would that suit you?

Organizing roster - it's a bit messy this week, might take a little bit I'm afraid. Tues looks good but I'll keep you guys posted and confirm.

Confirmed for 7.30AEST Tueday.


I will not be organizing any longer for this week of OZF: your contact for this week is now biowill http://steamcommunity.com/id/teamw/

CC trade.tf: Requesting merc stral http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998393582/
CC trade.tf: To play scout
UGC biowill: approved

iT. will be using the merc stral tonight

Familiar Knights wins Granary 4-2: http://logs.tf/1495794

Irrational Tendencies wins Viaduct 3-2: http://logs.tf/1495817
and http://logs.tf/1495839 (config broke)
