ozfortress Sixes Season 21

Intermediate - Round #6

back 2 the bones
Home Team
The Oregon Trail
Away Team
Michael Captain
jane doe Captain
Brady Media Team
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Any day but Monday is fine with us

tuesday 9 is probably our best bet, still waiting on confirmation from a few players, will keep you updated

We can't do Tuesday

Can do Monday at 9 if Wed/Thur doesn't work for you guys

Typo, meant to be Monday at 8 we can play official

thursday 9 would work for us

Thursday at 9 is perfect, cya then

obla Retired League Director

Friendly reminder that this is the last week for transfers this season. Get them in before Thursday 11:59 PM Sydney time THIS WEEK.

we forfeit
p.s do u guys really have nothing better to do than delay a game for over 20 minutes + like 10 minutes of pausing while the server is extremely laggy and our cores can't connect? bad luck u guys didnt get the 10 round wins u wanted :(((