ozfortress Sixes Season 18

Open - Round #6

Blackbird 6's
Home Team
Winnie the Pooh Watersports
Away Team
woof Captain
meow Captain
Delphinoid Captain
Gears Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

sunday 8?

Doesn't look like we can do Sunday at all... we can do Monday, Wednesday or Thursday at 7 or 8.

Monday is a no go HL official

YAUCH Retired League Admin

Okay I'm hearing you guys are having some scheduling difficulties, if a team captain from Winnie the Pooh could message me on discord that'd be lovely.

9pm Thursday suit?

Confirmed for Thursday at 8 PM.

just a boy wanting to play some tf2 :(

cu on thurs

cp_granary_pro_rc4: http://logs.tf/1676822
cp_gullywash_final1: http://logs.tf/1676835
cp_gullywash_final1 (golden cap): http://logs.tf/1676848

natascha pootis op GG