ozfortress Sixes Season 18

Open - Round #3

Winnie the Pooh Watersports
Home Team
Real Dream
Away Team
woof Captain
meow Captain
victor Captain
mitch LAN Downunder & Summer Brawl Staff
Gears Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

not the captain but you guys gucci to do sunday? thats likely our availability for this match

Match time confirmed: Sunday 7:30 AEDT

5:58 PM - meowie: Heya
5:59 PM - meowie: We might have to use a merc Fooz would that be okay if our sub scout can't make it
6:51 PM - Vivi: can i have a link to the profil
7:25 PM - meowie: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065612020/
7:26 PM - meowie: is he allowed?
7:26 PM - Vivi: yeah sure
7:27 PM - meowie: okay cool
7:27 PM - meowie: ty

merc approved, fooz: STEAM_0:0:52673146

away team vivi had connection issues in second game - their team played with 5 players towards the end

reckoner - 5:0 - Winnie the Pooh: http://logs.tf/1653740#76561198052727157
snakewater - 5:0 Winnie the Pooh: http://logs.tf/1653750#76561198052727157
server booked under meow