ozfortress Sixes Season 18

Premier - Round #2

Victory or Riot
Home Team
Damage, Inc
Away Team
arnold Retired League Admin & Patron
redcoatzygote Captain
Halfwrong Captain
durc Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
obla Retired League Director

Please organise this.

Wednesday at 9?

thurs is better

One of ours can't do Thursday anymore, you sure Wednesday doesn't work for you guys?

yea we'd need 2 subs for wed. Couldn't we do it when we normally have our weekly?

durc: So wednesday at 9? Just to confirm the time.
x_rEdCoaTzygOtE_x_oR_x_rIoT_x: yes

Confirmed for Wednesday at 9.

arnold Retired League Admin & Patron Victory or Riot


5-3 pro to victory or riot
5-2 reckoner to dmg inc