ozfortress Sixes Season 18

Open - Round #2

Winnie the Pooh Watersports
Home Team
Away Team
woof Captain
Thermite Captain Retired League Admin
meow Captain
Gears Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

ok match tonight at 8

Changing to 8PM Sunday (pushed back half an hour) - confirmed by both teams

7:03 PM - meowie: hey so one of our team members didn't get transferred this week so if he plays he will be considered a merc - are you okay with that?
7:04 PM - meowie: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104263292/
7:05 PM - Ownage: All g man use him as a sub
7:05 PM - Ownage: I mean merc
7:05 PM - meowie: okay thanks
7:05 PM - Ownage: All g bro

Merc approved: STEAM_0:0:71998782

we used a merc http://steamcommunity.com/id/Delphinoid/ other team said all g

delph approved as merc

cp_process_final: 4-1 Winnie http://logs.tf/1646539#76561198052727157
cp_reckoner_rc1: 5-2 Winnie http://logs.tf/1646570#76561198052727157
Booked under name: meow