ozfortress Sixes Season 17

Intermediate - Round #8

The Suh Dudes
Home Team
francis' classroom
Away Team
heebs Captain
Roro Captain
thelampshade22 Retired League Admin / Patron
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Tuesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Can do Monday and Thursday

confirmed for thurs 9

3-0 to suh dudes - product http://logs.tf/1574659#76561198108267710
2-2 to francis' classroom - granary http://logs.tf/1574665#76561198108267710
1-0 to francis' classroom - granary gc http://logs.tf/1574671#76561198108267710
7-2 to francis' classroom - process http://logs.tf/1574673#76561198108267710