
Player alias: mix
Teams: suSpicious vs zer0hour
Bracket: Premier
Round: 7
Tick: 17500
What to look for: med airshot
Demos: POV: https://www.mediafire.com/file/d4ej5ji2ee6ckwl/20210304_2306_koth_product_rcx_red_bluwu.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/592642#76561198124717286;76561198051884373


Player alias: Lev
Teams: Allahzilla 2 vs brapbarn
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: 1
Tick: 81260
What to look for: Sniper 3k
Demos: POV: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fl0mf874m9xzuim/20210204_2001_cp_process_f7_red_blu.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/572553#76561197980015398


Player alias: Lev
Teams: Allahzilla 2 vs Terrible Tactics
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: 4
Tick: 52700
What to look for: Scout 5k on mid fight
Demos: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bv9xrkzbwdj7zd3/20210225_2127_cp_reckoner_rc6_red_blu.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/587838#76561197980015398

frydog Retired League Admin

Player Alias: frydog
Teams: Allahzilla 2 vs Project A
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: 3
Tick: 69000
What to look for: 3k while holding last and sticky airshot on soldier
Demos: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0zk8czzbogphod2/allahzillaweek3metalworks.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/582677#76561198052850920

frydog Retired League Admin

Player Alias: frydog
Teams: Allahzilla 2 vs Terrible Tactics
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: 4
Tick: 51000
What to look for: 5k on enemy team pushing into cliff with an airshot
Demos: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lkyuynydo1y319r/allahzillaweek4product.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/587820#7656119805285092

frydog Retired League Admin

Player Alias: frydog
Teams: Allahzilla 2 vs ligma
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: Semi finals
Tick: 5000
What to look for: 3k pushing onto last and I det on myself at the end (could be a funny clip to put at the end)
Demos: hhttps://www.mediafire.com/file/l96t6ehirhpv02c/allahzillasemimetalworks.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/611832#76561198052850920