a team of ants in their prime Retired League Admin

Player Alias: a team of ants in their prime
Teams: Project A vs allahzilla 2
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: Lower Page Playoffs
Tick: 92000
What to look for: airshot med kill
Demos: POV: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ehjv91sp5n8vw2b/20210324_2232_koth_clearcut_b15d_red_blu.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/606779#76561198061794470

a team of ants in their prime Retired League Admin

Player Alias: a team of ants in their prime
Teams: Project A vs allahzilla 2
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: Lower Page Playoffs
Tick: 118500
What to look for: airshot demo kill on mid
Demos: POV: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r577trq1hdku1jd/20210324_2153_cp_snakewater_final1_red_blu.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/606776#76561198061794470

TheWiggin Retired League Admin

Player Alias: wiggin
Teams: Salt Free Gaming. vs Shiira
Bracket: Main
Round: 7
Tick: 40000
What to look for: Medical man removes mid air soldier on round timeout
Demo Tick 40000: https://www.dropbox.com/s/02exb7rvgxeg7f3/20210317_2129_koth_clearcut_b15d_red_%40catf.dem?dl=0
STV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g5ern6hkxbch53d/cb1fe843fd7213043fdc091d4789f12a_match-20210317-1029-koth_clearcut_b15d.dem?dl=0

TheWiggin Retired League Admin

Player Alias: wiggin
Teams: Salt Free Gaming. vs#JUSTICEFORLOGJAM
Bracket: Main
Round: 4
Tick: 5200
What to look for: Scout get sticky bounced + middied while ubered before dropping opposing medical mans uber, the medical man in question may or may not be the ozfortress admin core.
Demo Tick 5200: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5bkegg79mbcjufe/20210225_2038_koth_product_rcx_red_blu.dem?dl=0
STV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q4p1m019ogpfbnv/0a5a2922d7f60f3cfcbf488b1fb21a6c_match-20210225-0938-koth_product_rcx.dem?dl=0

a team of ants in their prime Retired League Admin

Player Alias: a team of ants in their prime
Teams: Allahzilla vs ligma
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: Semifinals
Tick: 9000
What to look for: double middy on soldier, middy on second soldier
Demos: POV: https://www.mediafire.com/file/as6t7iio15xkuy8/20210401_2147_cp_snakewater_final1_red_blu.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/611821#76561198061794470

Player Alias: Daz
Teams: ww51.essencecsgocupleague.xyz/vote vs alt and the humans
Bracket: Premier
Round: Semifinals
Tick: 86800
What to look for: sticky on alt
Demos: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ez24m4af4zk1dpv/20210329_2200_cp_process_f7_red_blu.dem/file


Player alias: mix
Teams: suSpicious. vs the cum gambit
Bracket: Premier
Round: 3
Tick: 17600
What to look for: med drop airshot in alley
Demos: POV: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ejgosjbmal5bu5k/toqoz_airshot_20210217_2353_cp_metalworks_red_blu.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/581914#76561198124717286;76561198043513888


Player alias: mix
Teams: suSpicious. vs zer0hour
Bracket: Premier
Round: 7
Tick: 32500
What to look for: med fadeaway airshot
Demos: POV: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tt3vezv66xon892/tal_airshot_20210304_2346_cp_gullywash_final1_red_blu.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/592651#76561198124717286;76561198051884373