catfish Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat


Sunday 22nd November 2020: Signups Open
Wednesday 2nd December 2020: Signups Close, Rosters Locked
Saturday 5th December 2020: Teams Announced

Saturday 5th December – Thursday 10th December 2020: Round 1
Saturday 12th December – Thursday 17th December 2020: Round 2
Saturday 19th December – Wednesday 23rd December 2020: Round 3

Saturday 2nd January – Monday 4th January 2021: Semi Finals
Tuesday 5th January – Thursday 7th January 2021: Grand Finals and Third Place deciders


All divisions will be using single elimination semi finals with the top four teams of each division going through to semi finals after the group stage.


Much like regular ozfortress seasons, the ozfortress Summer Cup 2021 will feature weekly matches for teams over the course of three weeks. However, teams will be required to play two matches per week instead of the one that is seen in standard ozfortress seasons. Each of these official matches will still consist of two maps. In order to accommodate the extra match, the ozfortress Summer Cup 2021 will see Saturday as a playable match day, giving six total days for teams to play on. All teams are required to be available for four out of the six days.

All matches in the ozfortress Summer Cup 2021 will utilise a pick/ban system. For group stage matches, the pick ban format will be as follows:

  1. The higher seeded or home team will either choose to ban first or defer.
  2. The first team (determined by the result of step one) will ban a map.
  3. The second team will ban a map.
  4. The first team will ban a map.
  5. The second team will ban a map.
  6. The first team will select the first map from the remaining pool.
  7. The second team will select the second map from the remaining pool.

For playoffs matches (all of which will be best of three) the pick ban will be much the same as it is during regular ozfortress seasons:

  1. The higher seeded or home team will either choose to ban first or defer.
  2. The first team (determined by the result of step one) will ban a map.
  3. The second team will ban a map.
  4. The first team will ban a map.
  5. The second team will ban a map.
  6. The first team will select the first map from the remaining pool.
  7. The second team will select the second map from the remaining pool.
  8. The first team will select the tiebreaker map from the remaining maps.