catfish Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat


Sunday 10th May 2020: Signups Open
Wednesday 20th May 2020: Signups Close, Rosters Locked
Saturday 23rd May 2020: Teams Announced

Sunday 24th May – Thursday 28th May 2020: Round 1
Sunday 31st May – Thursday 4th June 2020: Round 2
Sunday 7th June – Thursday 11th June 2020: Round 3
Sunday 14th June – Thursday 18th June 2020: Round 4
Sunday 21st June – Thursday 25th June 2020: Round 5
Sunday 28th June – Thursday 2nd July 2020: Round 6
Sunday 5th July – Thursday 9th July 2020: Round 7

Sunday 12th July – Thursday 16th July 2020: Page Playoffs
Sunday 19th July – Thursday 23rd July 2020: Semi-Finals
Sunday 26th July – Thursday 30th July 2020: Grand Finals

Grand Finals for Premier will be played as a Best of 5. Intermediate and Open Grand Finals are a Best of 3.


All brackets will be using the page playoff system for their finals. Matches with a single listed date will be locked to that date, those with a range will be negotiated within that range similar to regular season matches.