catfish Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Beater will be making a highlight video for OZF 24, if you have any frag clips from official matches be sure to submit them here! Submissions will close nearer to the end of the season. Please follow the following template when submitting in the comments below:

Player Alias: [Your Alias Here]
Teams: [Your Team] vs [Enemy Team]
Bracket: [OZF24 Bracket (Premier/Intermediate/Open)]
Round: [OZF24 Round]
Tick: [Tick Number just before occurrence of play]
What to look for: [Short description of play]
Demo: [Link to demo (mediafire, dropbox, mega, etc)]

Player Alias: SterTheStar
Teams: !add 6 vs Nandohs
Bracket: Open
Round: OZF24 Round 3
Tick: 19000
What to look for: Double Airshot on Scout

Player Alias: riot
Teams: Coffee Clock vs Cringe
Bracket: Premier
Round: 1
Tick: 35000
What to look for: snakewater last double airshot

Player Alias: Memories
Teams: Big Lez and The Boys vs Gnome Zone
Bracket: Open
Round: 2
Tick: 44000
What to look for: Soldier & demoman double airshot on cliff

Player Alias: Percent
Teams: Six frags vs Mge Airlines
Bracket: Open
Round: 2
Tick: 10500
Looking For: 3k sniper on product med scout and solly airshot


Player Alias: lexx
Teams: Intoxicated vs BUTTERFLY EFFECT
Bracket: Premier
Round: 3
Tick: 12000
What to look for: 1v2 backcap with airshot

Beater Media Team

ster wrote:

Player Alias: SterTheStar
Teams: !add 6 vs Nandohs
Bracket: Open
Round: OZF24 Round 3
Tick: 19000
What to look for: Double Airshot on Scout

I can't find anything at the tick you specified. Are you sure you uploaded the correct demo?

a team of ants in their prime Retired League Admin

Player Alias: a team of ants in their prime
Teams: Gnome Zone vs Mge Airlines
Bracket: Open
Round: 2
Tick: 77000
What to look for: 3k on mid