Chili Sixes Head Admin


We have continued with the time-honoured tradition of a one-night cup schedule again - following feedback received from Ultiduo 16+17. Below are the start times for each round, and Best of 1/Best of 3 designators. At the bottom of this page, we have added quick RCON command strings to make server administration easier for you!

Registration Dates

Signups open: 17/04/2024
Signups close: 01/05/2024
Seedings released: 03/05/2024
Tournament date: 04/05/2024

Tournament Schedule - 04/05/2024

Round 1 - ultiduo_baloo_v2
6:50 PM AEST (Best of 1)
Round 2 - ultiduo_champions_b1
7:10 PM AEST (Best of 1)
Round 3 - ultiduo_ozf_r
7:30 PM AEST (Best of 1)
Round 4 - ultiduo_swine_b06
7:50 PM AEST (Best of 1)
Page Playoffs
8:20 PM AEST (Best of 1)
8:50 PM AEST (Best of 3)
Grand Finals
9:40 PM AEST (Best of 3)