Spring '23 Ruleset Updates
With Spring '23 already underway, we hope you're all excited for our last 2023 seasons! We have some ruleset updates to let you know about, so we've split them into three different categories below. So without further delay:
Global Ruleset
- Team names and player names should be "safe for work". Added 1.1.5. Team and Player Names.
- All seasonal league rosters (Sixes & Highlander) need a minimum of two captains, and can have a maximum of three captains. These captains will be ultimately responsible for the effective running and organisation of their roster, and will be responsible in the event of disbands, poor organisation, etc.
- This is two a two pronged approach which aims not only to prevent teams from having six captains and making it rather confusing for other captains or admins when trying to contact the team, but also so captains are held responsible for team issues.
- Added 3.1.2. Match Extensions, which serves as a basic outline of how to get an extension, and states that the opposing team does not need to agree to an extension, meaning both teams need to be in agreeance to be eligible for an extension.
- Players with Player Restrictions cannot play that class in the same division or any division below, added 3.3.9. Restricted Players as Mercenaries.
- Rule
4.4. Casted Games
(which has been renamed to Broadcasting Games) has seen significant updates to it's wording, and has been reworked to allow for the addition of 4.4.1. ozfortress Representation. This rule asks casting organizations to represent our community in an open and accepting way, and does not police opinions of ozfortress or sponsor conflictions in any way. It is simply there to set our expectations for those representing our community.
- The headline change, Progressive Ruleset is in. We've updated all of our Sixes 5CP documentation to reflect this.
- Map timer reduced from 30 minutes to 25 minutes.
- Round timer remaining at 240 seconds / 4 minutes.
- Whitelist changes:
- The Loch-n-Load is now banned.
- The Detonator and the Gas Passer have been unbanned.
- Premier will feature a bottom four playoff bracket.
- The Sniper class limit has been reduced to 1.
- Added a Tier 1 infraction for non-approved organizations failing to get permission to cast from team captains.
- "Failure to seek permission from captains of both rosters to cast their official match."
- Added a Tier 3 infraction to cover illicit content posted on ozfortress services and within our community.
- "Posting of illicit content on ozfortress services or within our community."
- This has been added to better police content including (but not limited to) gore, violence, cruelty, etc. This infraction will be highly contextual in nature.
- "Posting of illicit content on ozfortress services or within our community."
- Numerous readability/wording fixes throughout the Global Ruleset.
- Fixed all known broken links. If you find anymore, please contact us via #admin-support.
- Updated starting side rules in Sixes & Highlander rulesets to point to the Global ruleset rule 3.4.1. Team Starting Side.
- Forward-spawn/Back-spawn binds and Resupply binds were legalized last season, and we haven't heard any complaints thus far so it'll be remaining legal.
- It is your responsibility to adhere to any and all restrictions you may have. To see your restrictions, see the Player Restrictions page, which is linked as a button on each match thread and season page.
- We have it on every match thread, but please ensure you are recording POV Demos. You can find more information here.
Small Infractions Update
A concern raised by the community regarding infractions was transparency, and whilst there were many other points conveyed, transparency is something that we believe most would like to see improved. With the seasons now out, we'll be reviewing our existing infraction system and discussing it internally.
We have also asked every current panel member and advisor if they individually would like to become a public member/advisor. We would like to take a moment to thank ory who has been with us since the get-go, and has stepped into an advisor role for the panel. Advisors don't need to be public, but ory has chosen to step out into the role publicly.
Advisors aren't active panel members, and will typically only be poked for input where needed. Advisor roles will only be open to those with extensive experience on the panel, or past panel leads and head admins. We ask that if you need to contact the behaviour panel, you contact the Head of the Behaviour Panel or make a report.