core League Director


Map Schedule

Round 1: cp_snakewater_final1 & koth_product_final
Round 2: koth_product_final & cp_sultry_b8a
Round 3: cp_gullywash_f9 & cp_sunshine
Round 4: koth_bagel_rc7 & cp_reckoner
Round 5: cp_process_f12 & koth_clearcut_b16a
Round 6: cp_sultry_b8a & cp_sunshine
Round 7: cp_process_f12 & cp_snakewater_final1

Map changes for Sixes Spring '23

There are no maps added this season, however Bagel, Clearcut, and Sultry have all seen version updates. Additionally, Reckoner has been changed to the official version now in-game by default!

Please note: cp_gullywash_f9, cp_process_f12, koth_clearcut_b16a, cp_sultry_b8a, koth_product_final and koth_bagel_rc7 are custom maps. If you don't already have these installed, please click the links above to download them, and then move them to your ..\Team Fortress 2\tf\download\maps directory.

The following commands can be used to change maps to the correct version. Type or copy these commands into your console to change to that map, as long as you have the correct RCON password.

rcon changelevel cp_snakewater_final1
rcon changelevel cp_gullywash_f9
rcon changelevel cp_process_f12
rcon changelevel cp_sunshine
rcon changelevel cp_reckoner
rcon changelevel koth_clearcut_b16a
rcon changelevel cp_sultry_b8a
rcon changelevel koth_product_final
rcon changelevel koth_bagel_rc7