ozfortress Sixes Season 16

Open - Round #6

back 2 the bones
Home Team
Looking For Trouble
Away Team
jane doe Captain
mashiro Sixes Trial League Admin
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

thurs 9pm?

our med normally has issues with 9, but 8 should work fine if that suits

thurs 8 should be good!!

match time changed to 9 at b2tb's request

http://logs.tf/1503121 granary 6-1 to lft
http://logs.tf/1503140 gullywash 4-3 to lft
b2tb used https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052185822 greanyo as merc
lft used https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064492547 boen as merc
ggwp hopefully see u in playoffs!!