core League Director

League Penalties

League Penalties are finally here! League Penalties is a system designed to moderate poor league behaviour with more appropriate consequences. The League Penalties system will be monitored closely over the coming months and adjusted as needed.

In short:

  • Teams can accrue Minor, Moderate, and Major penalties during ozfortress competitions.
    • Three Minor penalties get upgraded to one Moderate penalty.
    • Three Moderate penalties get upgraded to one Major penalty.
  • When teams incur a Major penalty, they will receive a deduction of 2 match points for that competition.
  • If a team incurs three Major penalties, they will be disbanded.
  • Players can also receive penalties, these are often warnings/match bans on the first few occurences.
Example: Demo Checking

demo checking rule screenshot

catfish and obla play for Bingo Night.

  1. catfish fails a demo check. As it's his first offence, he receives a two-match ban.
    • As the first team offence, the team receives a Minor penalty.
  2. obla fails a demo check. As his first offence, he receives a two-match ban.
    • As the second team offence (the first being catfish), the team receives a Moderate penalty.
  3. catfish fails a second demo check. As his second offence, he receives a one-year league ban.
    • As the third team offence, the team receives a Major Penalty.

Check out the League Penalties here. If you have any feedback or concerns, please DM multi (@canyouprovethatimdriving).

Notable Ruleset Changes

Other Docs Changes

  • The Support & Reporting page has seen updates to improve its clarity and make it easier to make a report. League Penalties reporting has also been added.
  • The Player Behaviour Infractions page has been updated to clarify the Reporting Requirements & Evidence Verification section. The TLDR of this section is we now require certain things to be completed when you submit a report. This saves us a lot of time, not to mention we often could not verify the evidence submitted without lengthy back-and-forward chats with the reporter.
  • Updated User Policy to add a small FAQ.
  • If it works, there should now be a version on the top right of the docs website, which will be formatted as such:
    • Year.Month.IncrementalVersionNumber

womp womp

what is the punishment for failing to exec the correct config?

what is the punishment for failing to exec the correct config?

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