Congratulations Open winners the back 2 the bones daycare
Granary - 3 - 2 (GC)
Reckoner - 6 - 1
Congratulations to back 2 the bones daycare on winning the OZF 27 Open Grand Final against The Zoo.
After an undefeated regular season from back 2 the bones daycare, The Zoo really needed to step up and bring their A-game to the finals match. Their regular season match was the closest match that back 2 the bones daycare had to a loss, so it was going to be difficult but not impossible. back 2 the bones daycare picked Granary as the first map. The first midfight however went to The Zoo, showing back 2 the bones daycare that they meant business. back 2 the bones daycare retreated back to their last and awaited the sacs from The Zoo. After a few failed attempts, Ubers were traded with back 2 the bones daycare coming out on top, but unfortunatley The Zoo lost their Medic. back 2 the bones daycare pushed out of mid with Uber advantage, picking up The Zoo's Medic along the way. The first round went to back 2 the bones daycare. back 2 the bones daycare continued with their momentum, killing all but a Scout at mid and taking the next round. Not to be disheartened, The Zoo came back strong, wiping back 2 the bones daycare at the next mid fight. After a few minutes of stalemate back 2 the bones daycare finally managed to push out of yard and managed to put The Zoo back at last. back 2 the bones daycare managed to get a Sniper pick and pushed into last, however they lost a few players in the Uber, even though they dropped the enemy Medic. The remaining players on The Zoo were able to clean up on the extra damage and hold on to their last point. The Zoo managed to get a pick and pushed back 2 the bones daycare out of their last, winning the post Uber fight. A coordinated Spy play and Soldier bomb forced back 2 the bones daycares Uber, giving The Zoo full advantage to push into last. They managed to take their first round after 13 minutes.
Again The Zoo started off strong, winning the next mid fight. They held lobby for about 4 minutes trying desperately to gain any advantage on back 2 the bones daycare. Eventually they did, pushing into last with player ad and taking the second round. There were just over two minutes left, this time back 2 the bones daycare won the mid fight killing all players but the Medic. They failed their last push however and prepared for one last push. This was unsucessful so the map went to golden cap. back 2 the bones daycare won the first midfight, killing The Zoo's Medic. After a failed last push, finally the map went to back 2 the bones daycare, in one of their closest maps of the season.
The Zoo chose Reckoner as the second map. However, back 2 the bones daycare showed their dominance, taking the first round after winning mid and a post Uber fight. Finding themselves in a similar situation for the second round, The Zoo pushed back to their last, and unfortunately a push out with Uber advantage went horribly wrong allowing back 2 the bones daycare to take the last point and subsequently the second round. The next two rounds were also taken by back 2 the bones daycare, taking the score to 4 - 0. Not to be disheartened, The Zoo pushed back, taking the next round, pushing out after the mid with Uber advantage and taking their first Reckoner round. back 2 the bones daycare were not phased by the loss, they took the next two rounds in quick succession, taking the final score 6 - 1 and becoming your ozfortress season 27 Open champions!
Thank you to all the players, support staff and patrons that helped make this season possible. We'll see you all again soon!
1st - back 2 the bones daycare
2nd - The Zoo
3rd - Dino Squad
Champions: back 2 the bones daycare
Best Demoman: chief
Best Medic: dizzy
Best Pocket: Tank Drop
Best Roamer: str
Best Pocket Scout: space
Best Flank Scout: olaf
Best Utility: olaf
Most Improved Player: Steak
Most Valuable Player: snowy, chief, space, str, dizzy, and THE SPANISH INQUISITION
Friendliest Team: Corn Cobbers
Most Improved Team: Corn Cobbers
Best Dressed Team: Dino Squad
Best Caster: Elmo.