Fozzlm Retired League Admin & Media Coordinator

Congratulations Intermediate winners Winx Club


Prolands - 0 - 1 (GC)
Granary - 5 - 4
Snakewater - 6 - 1

Congratulations to Winx Club on winning the OZF 26 Intermediate Grand Final against white noise.

After picks and bans had been completed in the server, the first map was Prolands. Prolands started off slow with neither team wanting to take any major risks with the championship on the line. Both teams were unwilling to play too aggressively and so the map took a passive turn. Both teams had opportunities to push the last point of the other team, however the last defences of both teams proved to be too strong. After an arduous 30 minutes, the scores were still tied at 0 - 0 sending us into a Golden Cap. The Golden Cap appeared to be playing much the same as the first map, with neither team wanting to risk giving their opponent an opportunity. After several failed last push attempts, white noise were finally able to capitalise on their chance and take the Golden Cap and with it their opponents map pick. meff provided white noise with a consistent source of damage and was pivotal in his team going 1 - 0 up in the series.

The next map was Granary, the pick of white noise. After stealing away their opponent's map pick, white noise were looking poised to take the series 2 - 0 and the pressure was on Winx Club to step up in order to take us to a third map. While Prolands was a slow-paced and low-scoring map, Granary saw a very different change of pace from both teams. Winx Club appeared to have found some form, as they took the first round in lightning fast fashion. The next two rounds were closer, but Winx Club were able to come out on top again and put themselves in the driver's seat of the match, going up 3 - 0. However, white noise were not out of the fight yet as there were able to respond with two rounds of their own in under five minutes. Both teams then began trading fights and rounds with one team taking on quick round, and the other team taking the next. This lead to Winx Club in the lead with less than two minuses on the clock. They took a decisive mid victory which secured their map victory 5 - 4 and saw us go to a third map. The scouts of both teams were king on Granary, with bill and takeyon dropping 31 and 32 frags respectively.

Our final map was Snakewater. With two extremely close maps between these two teams Snakewater was looking like anyone's game. However, after several very quick first rounds it looked like Winx Club were in control of the map. Much like Granary, they took an early 3 - 0 lead on Snakewater. white noise then answered back with a round of their own and looked reinvigorated, however Winx Club then, having found their form after the first two maps, flexed their muscles and took the next three rounds in convincing fashion to take the map 6 - 1, and the series 2 - 1. decap and takeyon led the way for their team on Snakewater, with a combined 43 frags between them and led their team to becoming the ozfortress season 26 Intermediate Champions!

Thank you to all the players, support staff and patrons that helped make this season possible. We'll see you all again soon!


1st - Winx Club
2nd - white noise
3rd - what the fuck am i doing


Champions: Winx Club
Best Demoman: Bonk
Best Medic: remorse
Best Pocket: arandomdeaddude
Best Roamer: feggie
Best Pocket Scout: Reffic
Best Flank Scout: beni
Best Utility: Bread

Most Improved Player: takeyon
Most Valuable Player: Bonk and prankmonkey

Friendliest Team: Panda Bears
Most Improved Team: white noise and what the fuck am i doing
Best Dressed Team: Salt Free Gaming.
Best Caster: xander

congrats @remorse ! ! ! !


ez clap c u in inter s27