Showing posts by ♥ Emily the Goldfish ♥
Thread: Highlander Autumn '24 (S6): Award Nominations

Team Name: Where no ability meets no effort
Division (Premier/Main): Main
Best Scout: Kopz
Best Soldier: Zen
Best Pyro: Angus
Best Demoman: Pipelin12
Best Heavy: HASHFAN
Best Engineer: Ponyo
Best Medic: Emily the Goldfish
Best Sniper: Mint
Best Spy: Big maurice
Most Improved Player: Big maurice

Thread: Highlander Spring '23 (S5): Award Nominations

Team Name: Where no ability meets no effort
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Intermediate
Best Scout: Jdn
Best Soldier: Wergy
Best Pyro: said
Best Demoman: akari
Best Heavy: HASHFAN
Best Engineer: Gears
Best Medic: scandalous!!!!!!!!!
Best Sniper: Aspect
Best Spy: Pancakelover
Most Improved Player: Wergy