Thread: ozfortress bans: mef/thughunter, amiibo king & bubsdoge
ahaha mef you have to enjoy it
Thread: ozfortress bans: vivi & andrew
i hope anyone who was obsessed w the depp and amber heard case kills themselve
Thread: ozfortress ban: adolo
free adolo
Thread: ozfortress x Respawn League + ozfortress Highlander Season 1
Ecstatic and shaking with excitement for the eventually Ethan MGE hostile merger of this company
Thread: Infractions ruleset changes
So this is what happens when people with agendas get control in leagues. Makes me glad I stopped playing.
Pretty sure Core is CIS MALE not AGENDER, .
Thread: ozfortress ban: Gravemind
free vivi
Thread: ozfortress ban: krollic
can we do something about this infmaous dickbig420 guy?? hes really tearing shit up in the pug scene on that sniper character (the one w the big gun(