Thread: ozfortress ban: Susu
weed liz
thank god catfish hates Asians that main scout, I'm expecting to see an influx of bans following this one. Starting with zias.
Thread: ozfortress ban: Auz
Thread: ozfortress ban: Reffic
imagine being that bad you need to alt lmao
Thread: ozfortress ban: Johva
Alting on mge and still cant beat a manlet
Thread: ozfortress ban: trippy
still cant beat a manlet on mge ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Thread: ozfortress ban: vivi
A massive loss of an icon in the OzFortress community. I am in utter distress and i can find no words to describe my sadness.
Thread: ozfortress bans: Lazz and aeki
Hold this L
10:27 PM - Lazz Kongo Shinryuji: he is worht nothing